Evade & Capture
In Captivade each player plays as both an escapee and an agent simultaneously. As an escapee, the objective is to avoid being caught for the duration of the game. As an agent, the objective is to re-capture the other escapees within the allotted number of weeks. You may work with your fellow agents to do this, but note that each agent believes that a different escapee was imprisoned unfairly and will wish to help them evade re-capture.
The colour ‘sympathies’ are as follows:
Agent Brown – Ruby Red Agent Black – Beatrice Bleu
Agent White – Gary Green Agent Silver – Yousef Yellow
(In two-player games, each escapee has two sympathising agents.)
Order of Play
1. RUN - escapees move
2. ROLL - escapees roll dice
3. CHASE - agents move
If an agent searches a location where any of the other players’ escapees are, that escapee has been spotted! They only evade re-capture if they can roll their own colour in a single roll. Otherwise, they are immediately transported back securely to Paigntonville Prison...